Info. Sessions / Fairs

Date Time Country City Note
Thursday, August 8, 2024 17:00-17:30 (Japan Standard Time) Japan Online Info Session (for international applicants) Language: English
The details and Zoom invitation will be sent to the applicants by email the day before the session.

Fields marked in red * are required.
Re-type Email*
Country of resident*

Latest Academic Record*
For the residents of Japan, if you want hard materials, please check the followings, and fill out your mailing address in Japan.
(It will be sent to you after info session.)

Your mailing address
... Building etc
... Street
... City / Town / Village
... Prefeture / State / Province
... Postal code
If applicable, please check the following:

Please write your current workplace.*

How did you find out International University of Japan (IUJ)? * 
Program of Interests (Please check all that apply.) :
IUJ does not offer undergraduate or other fields of study programs.
Graduate School in International Relations(GSIR)
  Master's Programs(2-years or 1-year Track):

  PhD Programs (3-years track):

Graduate School of International Management (GSIM)
  Master’s Programs(2-years or 1-year Track):

Possible Year for IUJ Admission*

Any Comments or Inquiries

From time to time we send out important admissions and recruiting information to an email list.
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