Entries by Public Relations

IUJ’s 2020 Graduation Ceremony

On Thursday, June 25nd, the 2020 Graduation Ceremony for IUJ’s Class of 2020 was held at the Koidego Cultural Hall in Uonuma city. This year, in consideration of the spread of the new coronavirus infection, only graduates, IUJ’s president and faculty members attended, and those who could not participate in person were provided a live Youtube feed.   Introductory remarks from IUJ President Hiroyuki Itami President Itami mentioned that this is not only a day that marks the end of the graduates’ long academic journey at International University of Japan, but also a day when we can celebrate the end of a very stressful spring term without anyone being infected […]

[ IUJ Publishment ] Mr. Davgadorj Puntsag has published in an article in a refereed journal out of Elsevier

Mr. Davgadorj Puntsag (Dave), graduated June 2019 from GSIM, has published in an article in a refereed journal out of Elsevier. The article is based on his MBA thesis. Research Paper Title : Mongolian mineral export basket risk: A Portfolio theory approach URL : https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEAS-08-2018-0093/full/html Thank you. Public Relations Office of Admissions and Career Support