News & Announcements

Union Minister for Ministry of Border Affairs meets Myanmar students

At the invitation of the Nippon Foundation, a Myanmar delegation led by Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt. Gen. Ye Aung paid a visit to Japan to study the Japanese educational system as well as to discuss further cooperation between the Nippon Foundation, the Ministry of Border Affairs and the International University of Japan. During the tour, the minister visited the IUJ campus and met IUJ President Hiroyuki Itami, Vice President Noboru Yamaguchi, and students from Myanmar who were wearing traditional “longyi”, and all participants enjoyed a harmonious welcome party. We have implemented training programs for officials of the Ministry of Border Affairs, granted by The Nippon Foundation and will hopefully continue to do so, so that we can contribute to Myanmar’s human resource development.

Here is the link to the article of GLOBAL NEW LiGHT of MYANMAR at


Office of Admissions and Career Support


<State of arrival>

<Vice President Yamaguchi,  Minister for Border Affairs Lt. Gen. Ye Aung >

<Prof. Myoe, The Nippon FoundationExecutive Director Mori>

The Japan Times (March 25)/ PhD Candidate Michael Bosack had a piece “North Korean diplomacy after the Hanoi impasse” published

The Japan Times (March 25)/
PhD Candidate Michael Bosack had a piece “North Korean diplomacy after the Hanoi impasse” published.

The article can be read in full at

Associate Professor Seunghoo Lim published a book “Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance”.

We are pleased to announce that Associate Professor Seunghoo Lim published a book.
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance (Springer) [“Budget Punctuations and Incrementalism” by Hari Prasad Guragain and Seunghoo Lim]
Ali Farazmand
Seunghoo Lim
You can view the details  from the site listed below.