News & Announcements

IUJ is holding an information session in Tokyo on Wednesday, May 15

Living in Japan right now, and looking to further your education? The International University of Japan is holding an information session in Tokyo on Wednesday, January 16th from 7pm until 8pm, to give prospective students insight into what the school has to offer.

IUJ was established in 1982 as the first English-language graduate school in Japan. Currently, 360 students from 60 countries undertake studies at the university, with over 4,300 additional alumni hailing from a total of 129 countries. It truly lives up to being the university Where the World Gathers.

IUJ is a school that is continually growing – not just by the number of countries that students hail from, but in its international standing. The Graduate School of International Management proudly obtained accreditation from AACSB in February this year, and the University’s PhD program was inaugurated in 2015 with the number of doctoral candidates increasing annually.

This information session is applicable to those interested in applying to IUJ for the 2019 academic year or in the near future. The event will give participants the opportunity to find out more about what the university has to offer, as well as the chance to meet current students and alumni for first hand accounts of their experiences with the school.

Informatioin Session in Tokyo
Date: Wednesday, May 15
Time: 7PM-(8PM)

The tentative schedule is as follows:
6:30PM- Reception begins.
7:00PM- Welcome Speeches
7:05PM- IUJ Video Presentation, Explanation about IUJ:
• Master’s Program:Graduate School of International Management
• Master’s Program: Graduate School of International Relations
• Admissions information
• Scholarship information
•Alumni’s Experiences at IUJ
(8:00PM)- Question and Answer session (plenary), and Private Inquiries*

[Session schedule subject to change]
*Please note, we welcome private inquiries for 15 minutes per person.

IUJ Tokyo Office
Harks Roppongi Bldg. 2F, 6-15-21 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Please print out the location map.

For your attendance of this session, please inform us of the following information via email at by Monday, May 13.
Your name,
Phone number,
Contact address,
Current working place or university,
The program(s) in which you are interested
For more about our university, visit and our online brochure.

If you’ve been wondering about studying here at IUJ, please hear from our students about why IUJ is so great.


Office of Admissions and Career Support (OACS)
Phone: 025-779-1104
FAX: 025-779-1188

English Presentation by Kokusai Joho High School students

On Friday, February 15 2019, IUJ’s 12 international students served as advisers for English presentation by students of Kokusai Joho High School (KJ), which has been assigned as the Super Global High School (SGH) by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).

As its research theme for SGH, they are developing global talents by sending their messages from the snowy rice-producing region of UONUMA.

Along with the theme, to enhance their presentation ability, each groups consist of 4 or 5 members gave an English presentation to IUJ international students.

IUJ students gave some feedbacks on their ideas and attitudes in the presentation, which made a chance for KJ students to reconsider their idea and improve it.



IUJ students, belonging to either Graduate School of International Relations (GSIR) or Graduate School of International Management (GSIM), gave advice in point of view of their research fields and of foreigner. It was enjoyable to interact with young students who are expected to be a global human resource in the near future.

IUJ will continue to work with KJ on developing globalized human resources.



Office of Top Global University Project
Tel: 025-779-1486  Email:

The Networking Event “Sharing Experience with Alumni” was successfully held

On Saturday 9th February 2019, The Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) Council, IUJ Career support and IUJ Alumni Association hosted the Winter Term Networking Event. This is the fifth networking event organized by the IM council, which aims at creating a professional relationship between IUJ students and other business parties as IUJ is the perfect place to develop a true global network. The general theme of this networking event was “Sharing Experience with Alumni”.

With more than 60 attendees including students, faculty and alumni the event started with GSIM Dean Wenkai Li welcoming IUJ guests and thanking the organizing parties. After that Mr. Tadashi Inagaki Class of 1995 and IUJ Alumni Association executive committee chairman addressed the audience highlighting the Alumni Association objectives and the importance of staying connected with IUJ campus and current students. He finished by an inspiring speech quoting Ghandi’s “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” and interpreting it “Thank, Enjoy and help others as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” and the room was lit with warm applause.

Ms. Minako Suzuki from IUJ Alumni association Executive committee took the stage with a presentation titled “Japanese Company’s Expectation to Foreign Students” where she described the current demand for foreign students in the Japanese Job market. She explained how the number of companies hiring foreigners rose from 13% in 2011 to 53% expected in 2019. She also highlighted the Fundamental Competencies defined by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for Working Persons.

Left: Dean Li  Middle: Mr. Inagaki  Right: Ms. Suzuki

The panel discussion then took place where three recent IUJ graduates shared their working experience in Japan. The discussants were Yuzhu Lin IDP Class of 2015, Dilip Singh E-Biz class of 2016 and Irhad Alispahic MBA class of 2018 with two IM Council members moderating the discussion. The atmosphere was lighthearted and casual, but full of useful information about Japan’s job market, working environment and recruitment process. The discussant delightfully answered questions collected from students that concentrated mainly around four topics job hunting process, importance of Japanese language, workplace environment and future recommendations. The event ended by dividing attendees into six groups where other five alumni joined the panel discussants in answering students’ questions in small group. The official networking event may have ended but the networking continued on the same night where Alumni enjoyed dinner with students feeling nostalgic about IUJ old days.
Left: Mr. Alispahic  Middle: Mr. Singh  Right: Ms. Lin


Omer Mohammedahmed
International Management Students Council