News & Announcements

IUJ holds the Information Session in Tokyo on October 5

Living in Japan right now, and looking to further your education? The International University of Japan is holding an information session in Tokyo on Friday, October 5th from 7pm until 9pm, to give prospective students insight into what the school has to offer.

IUJ was established in 1982 as the first English-language graduate school in Japan. Currently, 360 students from 60 countries undertake studies at the university, with over 4,000 additional alumni hailing from a total of 123 countries. It truly lives up to being the university Where the World Gathers.

IUJ is a school that is continually growing – not just by the number of countries that students hail from, but in its international standing. The Graduate School of International Management proudly obtained accreditation from AACSB International in February this year, and the University’s PhD program was inaugurated in 2015 with the number of doctoral candidates increasing annually.

This information session is applicable to those interested in applying to IUJ for the 2019 academic year or in the near future. The event will give participants the opportunity to find out more about what the university has to offer, as well as the chance to meet current students and alumni for first hand accounts of their experiences with the school.

The tentative schedule is as follows:
18:30- Reception begins.
19:00- Welcome Speeches
19:05- IUJ Video Presentation
19:10- Explanation about IUJ:
• Master’s Program:Graduate School of International Management
• Master’s Program: Graduate School of International Relations
• Admissions information
• Scholarship information
19:50- Break
20:00- Alumni’s Experiences at IUJ
20:15- Question and Answer session (plenary), and Private Inquiries*
21:00- Closing

[Session schedule subject to change]
*Please note, we welcome private inquiries for 15 minutes per person.

IUJ Tokyo Office
Harks Roppongi Bldg. 2F, 6-15-21 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Please print out the location map.

How to register your attendance:
1) Follow the link to the Application Form.
2) Please inform us of your name, phone number, contact address, current working place or university, and the program(s) in which you are interested via email at
The deadline for registering your attendance is Wednesday, October 2nd.

For further information or questions about the Tokyo Information Session, please contact the IUJ Office of Admissions and Career Support (OACS).
Phone: 025-779-1104
FAX: 025-779-1188


ADB President Nakao speaks at IUJ

Mr. Takehiko Nakao, President, Asian Development Bank, delivered a speech on the prospects of Asian economies and the roles and functions of ADB on 24 May 2018 at MLIC Hall, IUJ campus.
The seminar was attended by about 80 participants from IUJ’s community including students and faculty members.
After the seminar, President Nakao had a pleasant talk over lunch with our ADB scholars at the Research Institute.

President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Takehiko Nakao

ADB Scholars

President’s Office

3rd IMC Networking Event was held

On May 13th, we were fortunate to have 2002 MBA Alumni Ken Takai return to IUJ and present a session on professional career development. Ken works in the Tokyo office of recruitment firm DHR International, and is a seasoned professional of the headhunting world. With years of experience, he is well aware of what organizations are looking for in potential candidates.

The atmosphere at the session was lighthearted and casual, but full of useful information about what to expect from Japan’s job market. Ken started off by speaking about his work experience after studying at IUJ, and covered theories on career development from modern organizational psychologists. Different theories have unique approaches to the concept of a career, the work we’re drawn to, and what our underlying motivations are. Having a basic understanding of these can help you identify an organization that’s the right fit for you.

Ken went on to discuss some useful tips on finding and applying for jobs from a headhunter’s perspective. He emphasised the importance of completing a SWOT analysis and identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats when it comes to finding work in Japan. Ken spoke about job hunting being like a sporting competition, and knowing what you can offer that your competitors can’t is one of the key factors that will ultimately win you a position.

He also noted that if you apply for a role within a Japanese organization, interview processes may be different to what you’re used to. In many countries one or two interviews may be the norm, but here in Japan having several interviews is par for the course. Session participants were shown a video about Japanese interview etiquette (you can find the link here), where factors like how many times you knock on an interviewer’s door, what you wear, and how you bow are all taken into consideration. Understanding these cultural nuances is important if you plan to work for a Japanese company, but if you’re working at a multinational company within Japan they may not be emphasised as much.

When it comes to interview questions, Ken said that when he trains new headhunting consultants he always places importance on the STAR technique. The acronym stands for situation, task, action, and result, and it’s known as competency based interviewing, where a potential employer can see how you respond to different workplace challenges. Practicing some sample answers following the STAR technique was one of his suggestions – for instance, answering a question like “tell me about a time where you handled a difficult situation”. Covering all four of the steps of the technique when you answer should give your potential employer a good understanding of what you can offer as an employee.

Ken also went over the recruitment channels used in Japan for finding staff. Direct recruitment is still most common, but recruitment agencies and even social media are also used to obtain candidates. For students, he placed importance on attending seminars, job fairs and career forums, registering yourself on job hunting websites, or even enlisting the help of a recruitment agency to match you with a position after graduation. Ultimately, he stressed that IUJ students, have plenty to offer the Japanese job market, with unique assets that can be applied to many employers.

2002 MBA Alumni Ken Takai


The article of the 2nd IMC Networking event is available at


This event is organized by the Graduate School of Interntional Management Council.

Public relations
Office of Admissions and Career Support