News & Announcements

The Japan Times (May 23) / Mr. Michael Bosack, a PhD candidate was quoted in the article entitled U.S. bolsters missile defense in Japan as cutting-edge Aegis destroyer arrives ahead of Trump-Kim summit.

The Japan Times (May 23) /
Mr. Michael Bosack, a PhD candidate was quoted in the article entitled U.S. bolsters missile defense in Japan as cutting-edge Aegis destroyer arrives ahead of Trump-Kim summit.

[The Japan Times]

A very successful TEDxIUJ Event was held and the video is now available!

A TEDx event is a local gathering where live TED-like talks and videos previously recorded at TED conferences are shared with the community. This year the student councils of both the Graduate School of International Management and Graduate School of International Relations have collaborated to organize the first TEDx event in IUJ, an independently organized event. In accordance with the TED spirit of “ideas worth sharing”, TEDxIUJ was held at IUJ for the first time on 22nd of April, 2018.

The theme of the first TEDxIUJ “Where the World Gathers” was chosen as a tribute to the slogan of IUJ and also, to commemorate the unique global environment of IUJ.

The highlight of TEDxIUJ was unquestionably its eight amazing speakers. The speakers consisted of one faculty member Professor Mohammed Ahmed (Bangladesh), and IUJ students Abdel Ghader Khdeim (Mauritania), Dennis Nyaga (Kenya), Ikhlosiddin Urmanov (Uzbekistan), Ismail Chbouk (Morocco), Mariam January (South Africa), Michael Bosack (USA), and Shuntaro Hiura (Japan).
All the TEDxIUJ talks can be accessed on the Official TEDx YouTube Channel at

Parvina Khujaeva
IM Council member
TEDxIUJ Organizing Team

Eight Speakers

TEDxIUJ Organizing Team

All participants

Issue NO.13 of the Sasakawa USA Forum / The Article of Mr. Michael Bosack, a PhD candidate was carried in issue NO.13 of the Sasakawa USA Forum

Issue NO.13 of the Sasakawa USA Forum /
The Article of Mr. Michael Bosack, a PhD candidate was carried in issue NO.13 of the Sasakawa USA Forum

Realizing a “Seamless Response”: Incorporating the Japan Coast Guard in the U.S.-Japan Alliance: