News & Announcements

The International Festival (Open Day) was held on May 12

The International University of Japan’s Open Day and International Festival was held on May 12th, and served to highlight the best of what the school has to offer in diversity and culture. With students hailing from 60 different countries, the school truly lives up to being known as Where the World Gathers, and this was on its finest display.

Students were hard at work on the morning of the event, preparing a range of delicious foods that hail from their home countries – and you could feel their enthusiasm, excitement and camaraderies as they cooked. There were teams getting their entries ready for the International Onigiri Competition, as well as various other eats being prepared from all corners of the globe for sale in the many festival booths. Everything from Indonesian Rendang, Chicken Adobo from the Philippines, Laotian chicken salad and sticky rice, and Vietnamese banh troi were on offer, meaning you could take a trip around the world through food without even having to leave the IUJ campus.

The crowds rolled in, and the atmosphere was electric. People were mingling, sampling food, and enjoying the perfect weather – but the best was yet to come. The gym was turned into a performance hall, with cultural displays taking place from all around the world. The event opened with a taiko drumming performance and speeches by IUJ President Hiroyuki Itami and City Mayor Shigeo Hayashi, and continued on with musical performances, aikido, yoga and self defense demonstrations, traditional dance routines and more. Awards were also presented to the teams who participated in the Onigiri Competition.

The finale to cap off the day was performed by Kizuna, the IUJ Jungle band. Students from all over the world joined together on the stage, singing, dancing and waving their home country’s flags – and you could see how moved both the audience and the participants were. It was the perfect way to finish by encompassing all that the day symbolized – friendship, the sharing of cultures and traditions, and the harmony found on the campus and in the classrooms of IUJ.

If you weren’t able to attend the event in person on the day, the cultural performances were live streamed on the IUJ Youtube channel, which you can access at the link here.

The International Festival is an annual event.  Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@IUJ_en), Instagram (@IUJ_en), and Facebook (IUJpage) for details on this and other upcoming events.



Students gathered after all the performances were done

Public Relations
Office of Admissions and Career Suppot

Training Program for Capacity Development for Leadership Potential for Government Officials at the Ministry of Border Affairs in Myanmar has been launched

The training program has been launched as follows:

・Program Name:Training Program for Capacity Development for Leadership Potential for Government Officials at the Ministry of Border Affairs (MOBA) in Myanmar
・Date: Wednesday, 2nd May – Tuesday, 31th July, 2018
・Venue: MOBA Yangon (Myanmar) Training School, and IUJ campus/Tokyo (Japan)
・Participants: Myanmar Government Officials (Mid-Level Officials) at Ministry of Border Affairs

This training program is designed for Ministry of Border Affairs to enhance their English communication and Leadership skills as well as capacity building at public sector, supported by the Nippon Foundation.

Opening Ceremony


Program First Day

Non Degree Program Team
Office of Admissions and Career Support

IUJ International Students Experienced Rice-Planting 2018

Rice-planting season has come in Uonuma-area!

On May 15th 2018, 9 international students of IUJ participated in rice- planting at Niigata Prefectural Kokusai Joho High School (KJ).


KJ is the only one high school in Niigata Prefecture designated as Super Global High School (SGH), which is one of national undertakings by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to attempt human resource development of global leaders who can work internationally in the near future, aims at developing human resource who will be able to deal with problems not only within Uonuma but aslo in related area outside Japan as spreading an appeal of Uonuma. The rice-planting on this time was held in order to learn rice farming which is the basic industry in Uonuma area.


One of the international students has a rice-planting culture in his homeland and he is familiar with the custom. Even though, it would have been fresh and exciting to plant rice in the Japanese traditional way and communicate with high school students.


After an opening ceremony, IUJ students joined high school students and they were given a lecture of planting while they were talking.
At first when they started planting, many of them did it carefully, but soon getting used to it. Raising their hands to ask and receive another rice plant was very natural.


The scenery all seeding was planted in a field was beautiful, and both IUJ students and KJ students seemed to have satisfaction of achievement. They enjoyed conversation and taking pictures for a while.


IUJ and KJ continue to work together on developing globalized human resources.








Office of Top Global University Project, International University of Japan
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