News & Announcements

IUJ is participating in the Education Fair in New Delhi, India on May 26


Event: IPC International Education Fair
Date:  May 26, 2018   
Time:  11:00 AM – (4:00 PM)
Venue:  Hotel Taj Mansingh 

=== IUJ: Where the World Gathers! ===


IUJ is participating in the IPC International Education Fair in New Delhi, India on May 26.
Please come to see us at the IUJ booth of this event to know more about IUJ: Where the World Gathers!

We greatly appreciate if you would fill the IUJ Application Form in advance.


International placewell Consultants (IPC):

Bharti Sharma (Ms.)
ARG Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Phone: +91-120-4155270, Fax: +91-120-4155271








International University of Japan (IUJ) was established in 1982 as the first graduate school in Japan which all courses are taught in English. About 360 students representing 60 countries and regions study together in two graduate schools of Graduate School of International Relations (GSIR) and Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) taught by diverse faculty, and live together on campus. The total number of IUJ’s alumni network is more than 4,000 in 122 countries and regions now. From February 2018, the Graduate School of International Management (GSIM), IUJ has proudly obtained accreditation from AACSB International, the world’s leading authority on quality assurance of business schools.

A new two-year master’s program “Japanese Development Program”:

IUJ brochure is available at:


IUJ team competes with top business schools in Global MBA Challenge, Hong Kong

HKUST Global MBA Challenge 2018 is student managed competition for MBA students. The HKUST Global MBA Challenge is a unique platform that aims to bring together diverse groups of competitors representing the best global MBA programs for a two-day challenge solving three emerging Hong Kong and greater APAC enterprise real-time business cases while connecting with APAC business leaders. This year challenge saw teams coming from as far as the US, UK and even Japan to compete in the challenge. The 2018 challenge was made up of 14 teams of four members each. IUJ was represented by Team KOKUSAI which was made up of Aleksandra Khvan (Uzbek), Bennitta Senyatsi (South Aftrica), Parthasarathi Gopalaswamy (India), Do Thi Hien Thuong (Vietnam). The challenge was hosted from April 12th to 15th at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Hong Kong.

On the first day of the challenge, Team KOKUSAI was grouped with CEIBS, Chulalongkorn and Bocconi teams for the flash case. Following that, for the negotiation case, the Team was paired with a team from the hosting university. This challenge, Team KOKUSAI effortlessly won it, and this awarded them the second place position among the competing teams. This was a great achievement and placed IUJ as the name among the top runners. Team KOKUSAI went further to impress the judges with their presentation style and synchronized teamwork. The creativity of their proposed solution for the strategy case was commended by one of the judges who is currently a consultant for Deloitte Hong Kong. The experience from having participated in prestigious competition such as GMC indicates the level of quality of the MBA that is being taught at IUJ. With such skills, an IUJ MBA clearly equips one to be able to take on practical and real life challenges. Team KOKUSAI has taken its step in putting the IUJ name among the top business schools.

Global MBA Challenge:

Gopalaswamy, Parthasarathi
Bennitta Senyatsi
Aleksandra Khvan
Do Thi Hien Thuong

E.Nadeesh R. de Silva (Ph.D. Candidate) Represented Model WTO Conference 2018 held in Geneva, Switzerland as a Head Delegate

E. Nadeesh R. de Silva is a Sri Lankan first year Ph.D. candidate of International University of Japan who pursue his studies under the supervision of Senior Professor Osamu Nakamura. He represented Model WTO Conference 2018 held in Geneva, Switzerland as a Head Delegate. The Model WTO is a one-week simulation of WTO negotiations, organized by St. Gallen University and the WTO Headquarters in Geneva. Seventy two high-profile participants from all over the world were selected to participate in this unique event. Nadeesh R. de Silva successfully passed two selection rounds and qualified for the 21st edition of the Model WTO, took place in St. Gallen and Geneva from 6th to 13th, April, 2018.

The selection round based on an essay under the topic “How can investment actively be incorporated into GVCs for countries’ development strategies”. After the selection he was appointed as a Head Delegate of this simulation and it was a great opportunity for him to gather the knowledge of trade and investment patterns around the world.

The Model WTO 2018 negotiation topic based on Trade & Investment. It was aimed to create a framework of a potential Investment Facilitation Agreement. The Model WTO intended to facilitate participants to negotiate on the above areas as this has become even more important in recent times.

Nadeesh was the Head Delegate for Russian Federation in the simulation, and was the negotiator in the committee of Administrative Facilitation and International Cooperation. He participated for the Head Delegates Meetings held during the negotiations. Also he attended conferences with academics and WTO officials, presenting the current status of the WTO, the structure of the organization and its operations, the challenges in developing new agreements in the Doha Round and the problems with implementing new and innovative solutions based on the bureaucracy in existence. His committee arrived at a final declaration which he presented at the final meeting where WTO senior officials were present.

This conference provided most important opportunities for interacting with talented students from different universities and honing presentation, negotiations and leadership skills. It is a great exercise not only in the inner workings of the WTO, but also in the art of negotiation, personal interaction and economics, political science and sociology, law and, above all, the opportunity to work with bright young individuals for a week. It succeeded in providing participants a flavor of the WTO and exposing them to senior WTO officials and academics discussing the future of the organization.

Nadeesh as a student of IUJ could make IUJ proud by representing this international event with the chances to know the inner workings of the WTO, meet high-ranking officials at the organization and hear about their experiences, visit the WTO headquarters and spend a week in Switzerland, between the picturesque settings of St. Gallen University and the always amazing and surprising views from the banks of Lake Geneva.

Model WTO: