News & Announcements

International Education Expo 2017, Bangkok

=== IUJ: Where the World Gathers! ===

IUJ is participating in the OCSC International Education Expo 2017, Bangkok on November 11 and 12.
Please visit IUJ booth at this event to know more about IUJ: Where the World Gathers!

  Event: The OCSC International Education Expo 2017, Bangkok
  Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017  Sunday, November 12, 2017
  Time: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  Venue: Royal Paragon Hall, 5th Floor, Siam Paragon, Bangkok, Thailand
 Application Form: For November 11 For November 12


For further information of this event, please see the website of The OCSC International Education Expo 2017, Bangkok:

Office of Admissions and Career Support

Study-in-Japan Fair in Kathmandu, Nepal

Event:  Study-in-Japan Fair in Kathmandu, Nepal by JASSO
Date:  Saturday, November 11, 2017
Time:  10:00 – 17:00
Venue:  Hotel Annapurna

=== IUJ: Where the World Gathers! ===

IUJ is participating in the Study-in-Japan Fair in Kathmandu, Nepal by JASSO on November 11.
Please visit IUJ booth at this event to know more about IUJ: Where the World Gathers!

We greatly appreciate if you would fill the IUJ Application Form in advance.


The 2017 schedule of Fairs IUJ participates, IUJ Info. Sessions are available at:


Office of Admissions and Career Support (OACS)
International University of Japan (IUJ)
Phone: 025-779-1104

IUJ held its 2017 New Students Welcome Day

International University of Japan held its New Students Welcome Day at the IUJ Gym on Friday, September 29, 2017.

This year, IUJ welcomes a total of 197 students from 50 countries across the globe, consisting of 113 Graduate School of International Relations students (including 10 PhDs) and 84 of Graduate School of International Management students.  ASEAN countries such as Myanmar, Vietnam, and Cambodia provided the most students, and we have students from 21 African coutries.

President Hiroyuki Itami gave the welcome address and introduced IUJ as a place where the wolrd really gathers, where you will certainly learn about Japan, Asia and Africa from your daily real life interactions.  He told them that with more than 4,000 alumni from all over the world, IUJ has become a hub of a great network of people from Asia, Africa and Japan, You will be a part of this network from today and benefit a lot from it.

Chairman Shoei Utsuda observed that IUJ’s Alumni Association has grown into a global network during these 35 years, and that all of the new students will be in a position to expect and enjoy various support and cooperation from these alumni after graduation.  In addition, IUJ’s unique location in the agricultural heartland of Japan will offer students an environment in which to gain an understanding of what Japan stands for and who its people are.  He strongly recommended them to actively engage with the local Japanese people.  He told them that “you all have the potential to become global leaders of the next generation”.

The name of the new students were called one by one by nationality. Each counties’ traditional costumes attract attendances.

To everyone in the new incoming class, all of us at IUJ wish you an enjoyable and fruitful IUJ life!

 Introduction of New Students

 at the tea party