News & Announcements

Africa Research Wins “Distinguished Paper Award” for IUJ at International Symposium

Mr. Kevin Mutuli (MBA program, class of 2017) and Professor Jay Rajasekera recently presented a paper titled “Impact of Internet Accessibility and Instructor’s Computer Literacy on E-Education in Urban and Rural Area Colleges in Kenya” at recently held International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning in Hiroshima, Japan.  The paper has won “Distinguished Paper Award” bringing recognition and honor to IUJ.

Speaking about the Award, Professor Rajasekera credited Mr. Mutuli for his hard work and good work ethics; “we are now trying to connect this research to a possible business model for Kenya.”


Mr. Mutuli joined IUJ’s Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) via Africa Business Education (ABE) initiative program and just graduated in June, 2017 with MBA degree from GSIM.  Vice President of IUJ, Professor Jay Rajasekera supervised his thesis research.  Professor Rajasekera also thanked JICA for sending excellent students, such as Mr. Mutuli, to GSIM.


Mr. Mutuli said “It will be grievous and hypocritical to take the accolades as a closed system and claim them privately.  To reach this crest, many people have helped me in various ways and capacity.  The epic of it was from my supervisor Prof. Jay Rajasekera who forewarned me of the impediments I should be ready to navigate to hit the bull’s eye.  Sacrifices were made and burning of the midnight oil to relate theories and merge them with precise practices was normal on itinerary.  Together, we converted all possible barriers into bridges to cross over.
Besides I will like my heartfelt appreciations to go to Prof. Wenkai Li (Dean of GSIM) for cordially accepting to be my examiner during the defense. His constructive criticism sparked and rejuvenated confidence in me as I was using his statistics models to build on the paper. Lastly, I recognize the IUJ family and the entire administration for all support offered to me during the expedition. The award is for IUJ fraternity and not Mutuli alone.”


This is an excellent news.  This award is a clear evidence showing that our faculty are working closely with our students, together making impact on academia, and contributing to the society, especially to emerging countries such as Kenya.  The award shows our recent achievements towards GSIM mission, and is very helpful for our AACSB accreditation“, said Professor Wenkai Li, Dean of GSIM.


 International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning (ISTEL) in Hiroshima, Japan 2017 :



The IUJ Info. Session in Tokyo on Saturday, July 22

The IUJ Info. Session will be held in Tokyo on Saturday, July 22.  We will explain about IUJ, Admissions and scholarship information, and our Alumni will tell you about their experiences at IUJ.  We welcome all of you who are interested in IUJ: Where the World Gathers.

Info. Session in TOKYO
Date: Saturday, July 22, 2017
Time: PM2:00 – PM4:00
Location: IUJ Tokyo Office (Harks Roppongi Bldg.2F, 6-15-21 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan)

<Tentative Schedule>
13:30- Reception starts
14:00- Greetings
14:05- IUJ DVD show
14:10- Explanation about IUJ, Master’s programs of the GSIM & GSIR, and Admissions & Scholarship Info.
14:50- Break
15:00- Alumni’s Experiences at IUJ
15:15- Q & A / (Private Inquires if you need)
(16:00) Close

Please fill in the application form for your participation by July 19.

<Future Info. Session and oversea Fair>

Office of Admissions and Career Support (OACS)
International University of Japan (IUJ)
Phone: 025-779-1104

The Open Campus will be held on August 1

Event: Open Campus for prospective applicants
Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Time: AM 11:00  –  PM 4:00
Location: IUJ Campus (777 Kokusai-cho, Minami Uonuma-shi, Niigata prefecture)

IUJ will hold the Open Campus on August 1 (Tue).
The main purpose of this Open Campus is observing Intensive English Program (IEP) Classes. IEP provides intermediate- to advanced-level English training for people who need practical English skills.  For the last several years, the IEP has also included groups of students on IMF scholarships who study here for the summer and then enroll at other universities in Japan and Summer-Only Professionals who will return to their respective workplaces after the summer. With students from a number of diverse cultures and professional group, the IEP is more than just a language program.  You can also look around campus and town, talk with students and meet faculty member(s) individually.  We look forward to seeing you at IUJ: Where the World Gathers.


For more information and application for your participation, please visit our Event Page.


Fumiko Hirasawa
Office of Admissions and Career Support (OACS)
International University of Japan (IUJ)
TEL: 025-779-1104