News & Announcements

International University of Japan names new president

The International University of Japan Board of Trustees has selected the school’s next president, who was introduced on July 3.  Dr. Hiroyuki Itami will become the 12th president on September 1.  He will replace Dr. Kimio Kase who step down from his position on August 31, 2017.  President Kase has served as president since October 1, 2015.


Dr. Hiroyuki Itami Profile:

Present Position:
Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, 2008-
Outside Auditor, JFE Holdings, 2010-
Outside Auditor, Mitsui OSK Lines, 2011-


Doctoral: Ph.D., Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, August 1972
Master: Master of Commerce, Graduate Division, Hitotsubashi University, March 1969
College: Bachelor of Commerce, Department of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University, March 1967


Teaching and Research Interests:
Corporate Strategy, Business Economics, Corporate System, Management of Technology


Teaching Experience:
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University, 1973
Visiting Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1975-1976
Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University, 1977
Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1982-1983
Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University, 1984
Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University, 1994-1996
Professor, Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University, 1998
Professor, Graduate School of Innovation Studies, Tokyo University of Science, 2008


Honors and Awards:
The Best Literature in Economics and Management Award for 1978 (for Adaptive Behavior)
The Best Literature in Economics and Management Award for 1981 (for The Diversification Strategy of Japanese Firms, coauthored )
Management Science Literature Award for 1981 (for The Logic of Corporate Strategy)
Nakayama MCS Prize of Japan Institute of Certified Public Accountant for 2002 (for Japanese Corporate Governance)
National Medal with Purple Ribbon, 2005



Major Publications
In English

Adaptive Behavior: Management Control and Information Analysis Studies in Accounting Research No.15
American Accounting Association, Saratoga, Florida, 1977

Competitive Edge: The Semiconductor Industry in the US and Japan, Stanford University Press, 1984 (Coauthored)

Mobilizing Invisible Assets, Harvard University Press, 1987

 Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation, Springer, 2010 (Coauthored)

In Japanese
Books (2015- ):

Management of Technology beyond Textbook Knowledge (Coauthored), Nihon Keizai Shinbun Publishing, 2015

What’s Innovation? Teach Us, Please! , PHP Institute, 2015

The Man Who Dragged Out Japan’s High Economic Growth, PHP Institute, 2015

Accounting That Can Start The Front Line Moving (Coauthored), Nihon Keizai Shinbun Publishing, 2016

Perspectives on Economy, Toyo Keizai Shinpoh Sha, 2017

IUJ Chairman Mr. Shoei Utsuda delivered a keynote lecture

On June 26, 2017, International University of Japan (IUJ) Chairman Mr. Shoei Utsuda delivered a keynote lecture at Niigata Prefectural Kokusai Joho High School (KJ). KJ is only one high school in Niigata prefecture designated as Super Global High School (SGH) by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). This time’s keynote lecture was carried out as a first part of “SGH Activity Report Meeting”. His lecture had a large audience such as KJ’s students, educator and people concerned in Minami Uonuma city.

It was titled “What is Global Human Resources” and Mr. Utsuda spoke about element necessary for global human resources or importance of confirmation of identity through self-improvement. Question-and-answer session was also held actively.

KJ and IUJ have promised to promote SGH program in concert with each other. We continue to work together on developing globalized leaders who will be able to play active roles on the international stage.




Office of Top Global University Project


IUJ held its Graduation Ceremony 2017

IUJ held its 2017 Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, June 24 at Koidego Cultural Hall in Uonuma City.  This year 97 students graduated from the Graduate School of International Relations (GSIR) and 67 students graduated from the Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) for a total of 164 students representing 41 countries and regions who earned master’s degrees.  The total number of our alumni network is now 4,173 in 122 countries and regions.

The class of 2017 was celebrated to fly to the world.  Congratulations to all, class of 2017!
The event was broadcast live on line. It can be viewed here.


Below are parts of passionate speeches given by two graduates.

GSIR, International Development Program (MA in Economics)
Mr. Muhammad Rezaul Hasan from Bangladesh

It was not so easy to go through the graduate level economic theories and analytical issues.  However, continuous assistance, persistent motivation and prudent guidance from our faculty members have enabled all of us to come to the same point of success.
I would like to extend our thanks to the local government bodies and local people for their kindness, extending their assistance to us at any occasion, arranging many events for graduating students’ family members and thus creating windows for learning about Japanese society, festivals, culture, and values.  The knowledge we have gathered about Japanese society and its people is life-long learning for all of us.  It is our belief that choosing IUJ as a destination for graduate study was one of our best decisions.  We spent our last two years at a place “Where the world gathers.”  The multilingual environment and cross-cultural interactions are very unique vehicles for making IUJers global citizens.  Today is the day for which we have been working hard for last two years.  We have spent many sleepless nights doing assignments, solving problems, having group discussions and writing term papers.  We are going to attain the success we were destined for two years before.  Today is our day!!
Two years ago, we came here as isolated individuals and now we leave as members of a global network named the “IUJ Alumni”.  This journey will be safe and enjoyable if we can work on the same ground, that is for “humanity”. Even though we are of different nationalities, from different cultures, religions and races, we are bound with the same responsibilities of mankind.  Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the loving and kind Japanese people and to all who have touched our lives here.
Congratulation to the Class of 2017!  Happy Graduation and best wishes for the next endeavors of our lives!!


GSIM, MBA Program (Master of Business Administration)  
Mr. Medard Ntidekure from Burundi

It is a great pleasure and a great honor for me to address you and take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all the people who have accompanied us on this long journey and who have generously given us their knowledge.  These are our dear professors, mentors, and faculty members, but we also have to be grateful to our parents and families who have long been deprived of our presence and who nevertheless supported us and helped us to always move forward.  Indeed it was a great experience for all of us to meet at the place where the world gathers and start our long journey.  It was not an easy journey but it was sprinkled with love of work and blessings from our family, parents, teachers and we made it as team and not as a group.
IUJ’s environment transformed us and we were emotionally, morally and intellectually challenged but we withstood the pressure and here we are as new members of IUJ’s alumni group ready to begin our new journey and endorse our new costumes of future world leaders.  I understand, there is no better place in the world than IUJ, where the world gathers.
Dear colleagues, graduation is not an end in itself but a beginning of new and complex work to change the world especially, for MBA graduates.  For that, IUJ equipped us with all necessary tools and I hope that everybody is ready to change and lead the world.  IUJ MBA students don’t even need to have intuition. We are world leaders and all we have to do is to work hard and prove to the entire world that IUJ’s business school is most prestigious school in the world.
IUJ made me a citizen of the world because I am sure I can travel to any country and be sure that I will meet a brother or a sister. This is the magic of IUJ!  To all graduating students of IUJ, as we come to an end of this chapter of our life, I wish you all the best. Congratulations class of 2017.

===== Program of Graduation Ceremony =====
Conferment of Master’s Degree Certificate at Koidego Cultural Hall
Announcement of Opening Ceremony
President’s Address
Chairman’s Address
Congratulatory Address by His Excellency Prof. Dammika Ganganath DISANAYAKE, Ambassador, Sri Lankan Embassy in Japan
Deans’ Report of Education Matters
Conferment of master’s Degree Sertificate
Address of Thanks by Students
Announcement of Closing Ceremony

Celebration Party at Koidego Cultural Hall

Class Tree Unveiling by Graduates at IUJ Alumni Forest