News & Announcements

Ghana and Japan Student Exchange Fair 2017 in ACCRA, GHANA

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IUJ will participate in Ghana and Japan Student Exchange Fair in Accra, Ghana on Wednesday, February 15. It will be nice chance to know more about IUJ. Please visit our booth!

About IUJ


Event Ghana and Japan Student Exchange Fair
Date Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Time 1:30-5:00 p.m.
Venue: Great Hall, Legon Campus, University of Ghana


Program of Study in Japan Fair

・Opening and welcoming remarks by Dr. Lloyd G. Adu Amoah, Director, Centre for Asian Studies, University of Ghana

・Remarks by Prof. Ichiro Uyeda, Vice President, Hokkaido University

・Remarks by H.E. Mr. Kaoru Yoshimura, Ambassador, Embassy of Japan in Ghana

・Overview of study in Japan by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

・How to apply for Japanese government scholarships by Embassy of Japan in Ghana

・Presentation of the master’s degree and internship programme of the African Business Education Initiative for Youth “ABE Initiative” by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ghana Office

・Experiences of studying in Japan by member of GAJU and participant of ABE initiative programme

・Vote of thanks by student representative, University of Ghana

Individual Consultation and Display of Brochures and Pamphlets on studying in Japan

Time: 16:05-17:00

Venue: Main Campus, University of Ghana (the hall to be confirmed)

Universities/Organization available for Individual Consultation:

・Hokkaido University

・Hokkaido University

・Kanazawa University

・Kyoto University

・Tokyo Medical and Dental University

・Mie University

・International University of Japan

・Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

・Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)


We would be happy if you could come to IUJ booth and tell prospective applicants about your experiences at IUJ. We are looking forward to seeing you in Ghana. If you have any question, please feel free to contact Ishizaka (Ms.) of the office of Top Global Unvierstiy Project, IUJ (

About Top Global University Project


Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.


IUJ will participate in the World Study Fair in Vietnam on March 17 and 18

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IUJ will participate in World Study Fair in Vietnam on following schedule.  It will be a good chance to know more about IUJ.  Please visit our booth!


 Date:  March 17, 2017  March 18, 2017
 Time:  17:00  –  20:00  14:00  –  17:00
 Location:  HA NOI : Star Galaxy Convention  HAI PHONG : Nam Cuong Hotel
 Application Form  Application for March 17  Application for March 18

Office of Admissions and Career Support
International University of Japan

IUJ students received awards at FALIA Essay Competition 2016

IUJ students received awards at “The Essay Competition 2016 for International student studying in Japan” by the Foundation for the Advancement of Life and Insurance Around the world (FALIA).


2nd Prize:       Ms. Roselyn Asante from Ghana, MBA program 2nd year, Graduate School of International Management (GSIM)

Effort Award: Ms. Ma. Goretti Misiano Novilla, from Philippines, International Development Program 2nd year, Graduate School

of Interantional Relations (GSIR)


FALIA Essay Competition 2016 Prize Winner Announcement is available at:
*Ms. Roselyn’s essay summary is available to read in PDF