News & Announcements

IUJ’s 35th Anniversary Logo Design Wanted

IUJ is inviting applications for the “35th anniversary logo” designs. IUJ was started in 1982 and will be 35 years old in 2017. In commemorating this landmark, IUJ wants to have a unique logo boasting its global society and promoting its further growth, designed by member(s) of the IUJ community.

The selected design will be used on various IUJ items such as business cards, posters, Homepage, etc. We look forward to receiving a lot of applications.


Logo Image Logo should be based on the IUJ’s Mission Statement* and the design should reflect the school image of contributing to the global society and of further growth.
Eligibility IUJ students, alumni, faculty and staff (including former faculty and staff)
How to Apply Designs must be submitted via email.

  • The subject line should be “35th Anniversary Logo Application.”
  • The body of email has to include: name, position at IUJ (eg, student, alumni, faculty, staff, etc.), student ID if student or alum, explanation/comment on your design.
  • You may submit more than one designs, but 1 email can contain 1 design only.
  • Submission by a team/group is also accepted.
Application Period September 1 – January 31, 2017
Screening Process The Selection Committee will review all the submitted designs and recommend one to the IUJ Operating Committee for approval.
Announcement March 1, 2017 (The winner will be notified via email and the announcement will be made on the IUJ Homepage.)
Prize The winner will be presented with a collection of IUJ goods with the winning logo printed.
Selection Criteria
  • The design must be truly original and a special attention is required not to violate copyright or plagiarize from others’ work. IUJ will not take responsibility if such incidents occur.
  • Designs have to be created with CMYK, and can be modified colors (in black and white) and sizes.
  • Designs have to be in ai format, in principle, with less than 50MB in size. Also, they must be submitted in a JPG, PNG, or PDF in an A4 size. (If you have difficulties in fulfilling the criteria, please let us know via email.)
  • If your design includes character objects, please convert them to outline data before you submit.
  • A copyright of the selected design will belong to IUJ.
  • IUJ has the right to make small modifications of the selected design.
  • IUJ’s official logo will be used as before regardless of the 35th anniversary logo.
  • Any submitted materials will not be returned.
Inquiries to IUJ 35th Anniversary Logo Selection CommitteeInternational University of Japan

777 Kokusai-cho, Minami Uonuma-shi, Niigata 949-7277, JAPAN

TEL 025-779-1103, FAX 025-779-1180, Email



* IUJ’s Mission Statement

(1) The International University of Japan is a private post graduate institution founded with the extensive support of Japan’s industrial, financial and educational circles and of administrative in the area where it was established. Its administrative policy, based on a spirit of progressive internationalism, is open and autonomous.

(2) The graduate school of the International University of Japan is a new professional school whose primary purpose is to educate capable young men and women and develop in them a high level of interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge which they can put to practical use in the international arena.

PhD Candidate Mr. Nicholas Chapman presented his paper on the 5th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Nicholas Chapman, PhD Candidate, presented his paper calledIMG_0118

“Multidirectionalism in Vietnamese Foreign Policy: Achieving Vietnam’s Strategic Goals Through Integration and Diversification”

on the 5th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies that was held on Dec 15-16.

This conference connects scholars from all over the world to propose solutions to contemporary issues that Vietnam is experiencing in the context of global change.


The detail of the conference is available at:

Professor N. S. Cooray’s book was published.

We are pleased to announce that the following new book was published by Professor N. S. Cooray.

Routledge Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies

[Chapter 27 “Determinants of informal sector employment in Sri Lanka: Evidence from a recently conducted special survey ” by Chandani Wijebandara and N. S. Cooray]

Colin C. Williams and Anjula Gurtoo

Nawalage S. Cooray



You can view the details  from the site listed below.