News & Announcements

Japanese Language Program of the Center for Language Education and Research publishes Japanese education application

Japanese education application named “Ganbatte Shadowing” has been created by the Japanese Language Program of the Center for Language Education and Research.

Shadowing is a language learning practice whereby a learner listens to the speaker and tries to reproduce the speaker’s utterance with a slight delay, or by repeating the utterances in the pause between the speaker’s utterances.

Originally developed as a method of simultaneous translation, shadowing is said to improve not only pronunciation but also listening comprehension and speaking. In essence, the learner“shadows”the speaker, just as a shadow of a person cast by the sun follows directly behind the person.

It has been released through the App Store, and you can download it for free at the following URL.

We created this application as part of IUJ’s Top Global University Project efforts, and would like to spread it throughout the world.

We hope it will be a good tool for you to improve your basic Japanese language skills.

Office of Top Global University Project
Tel: 025-779-1459 Email:

“The 6th CHO Forum” was held

On Friday, October 7, 2016, “The 6th CHO Forum” was held in Tokyo.  This Forum aimed to promote the globalization of human resources, as well as to exchange views ideas and concerns among company guests from different industries. Almost 40 CHO (Chief Human Officer) or HR persons from 35 companies excluding two guest speakers are supposed to attend this event.

The 6th IUJ CHO Forum on Friday, October 7, 2016
at Seminar Hall, GCA Corporation in Tokyo
“Aligning Global HR Development with Corporate Growth Strategy”

14:00 Greetings
Shoei Utsuda, Chairman
14:05 Introduction of Guest Speakers
Kimio Kase, President

Presentations on “Aligning Global HR Development with Corporate Growth Strategy”

14:10 1) Yutaro Shintaku, President and CEO, Terumo Corporation
Q & A

14:50 2) Hiroyuki Kunibu, Business Support, Human Resources Strategy, ANA JINZAI University, ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD.
Q & A
15:30 Break
15:45 Explanations about Group Discussion
Professor Toshio Wakayama, GSIM
15:55 Group Discussion
16:35 Group Presentations and Q & A
17:15 Closing Address by Masakatsu Mori, Vice Chairman
17:30 Party
19:00 Closing


Presentation by Yutaro Shintaku, President and CEO, Terumo Corporation


Presentation by Hiroyuki Kunibu, Business Support, Human Resources Strategy, ANA JINZAI University, ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD.


Participants having discussions divided by groups




IUJ will participate in Study-in-Japan Fair in Vientiane, Lao PDR on Wednesday, October 26.  It will be nice chance to know more about IUJ.  Please visit our booth!

Event: JICA Study-in-Japan Fair in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Time: 9:00 ~ 16:00
Location: National University of Laos
Sponsor Laos-Japan Human Resource Development Institute


We appreciate if you would apply from IUJ Application Form.

For more information about the fairs 2016.




Office of Admissions and Career Support (OACS)
International University of Japan (IUJ)
Phone: 025-779-1104
FAX: 025-779-1188