News & Announcements

2016 New Students Welcome Day was held

International University of Japan held its New Students Welcome Day at the IUJ Gym on Friday, September 30, 2016.

This year, IUJ welcomes a total of 192 studetns from 43 countries across the globe, consisting of 86 Graduate School of International Relations students (including 4 PhDs) and 86 of Graduate School of International Management students.  ASEAN countries such as Myanmar, Vietnam, and Indonesia provided the most students, and we have students from 17 African coutries including our first students from South Sudan.

President Kimio Kase gave the welcome address and introduced IUJ as a unique institution because of the fact that it stands out as a truly international educational centre in Japan, and suggested three things at the beginning of the students’school life: first, building up mental and physical resilience; second, studying hard; third, learing how to respect other people with different cultures, different ways of interpreting and segmenting reality, different languages, and different religions.

Chairman Shoei Utsuda observed that IUJ’s Alumni Association has grown into a global network during these 34 years, and that all of the new students will be in a position to expect and enjoy  support from these alumni after graduation. In addition, IUJ’s unique location in the agricultural heartland of Japan will offer students an environment in which to build genuine international and cross-cultural friendships.  He told them that “you all have the potential to become global leaders of the next generation”.

The name of the new students were called one by one by nationality. Each counties’ traditional costumes attract attendances.

To everyone in the new incoming class, all of us at IUJ wish you an enjoyable and fruitful IUJ life!

Comments from new students:
Mr. Arjun Rai of Graduate School of International Management
I am enjoying IUJ, one of the great things I have found is that all the students are very friendly and the staffs are helpful.
After completion of my study in IUJ, I hope to be a good manager in the future.

Ms. Sachiko Chisaka, Graduate School of International Management
I am so excited about living and studying together with all the students from over 40 different countries at IUJ. I will do my best to have a “study-hard” and “play-hard” fruitful IUJ life by helping and encouraging each other with all of my IUJ friends.


President Kimio Kase congratulate address


Introduction of New Students


at the Tea Party


IUJ Open Campus will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2016

We are glad to inform you that the Open Campus for prospective applicants will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2016 as follows.

Tentative Schedule:
(We will pick you up at the ticket gate, Urasa Station about 10:40 am.)
10:45- Lv. IUJ bus stop, East side of Urasa station*
10:55- Ar. IUJ
11:05- Explanation about IUJ and Q & A
12:00- Lunch with Students
13:15- Campus Tour
(Matsushita Library & Information Center, Student Dormitories, Gym, etc.)
14:15- Individual Q & A with Faculty & Staff members
16:00  Lv. Campus for Town Tour
16:30  Ar. Urasa station

*If you will come by car, please come to IUJ Main Entrance directly by 10:50 am (not Urasa station).

We would like to receive the following application form by Thursday, October 20, 2016.
Application Forms in English
Application Forms in Japanese 

Further Information about the Open Campus schedule will be provided to prospective participants by email.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by mail.
We look forward to seeing you on campus!


For Info. Session in Tokyo/Osaka and Study-In-Japan Fair in asian countries, please visit our page:
Event Calender

JR Joetsu Shinkansen (bullet train)Time Table

1.from Tokyo area
8:52 Lv. Tokyo St. 10:38 Ar. Urasa St.(Max TOKI 309)DSC_0001
16:59 Lv. Urasa St. 18:40 Ar. Tokyo St. (Max TOKI 334)

2.from Niigata area
10:15 Lv.Niigata St. 10:52 Ar.Urasa St.(Max TOKI 316)
17:13 Lv.Urasa St. 17:48 Ar.Niigata St.(TOKI 329)



international festival mongolia

IUJ will participate in Study-in-Japan Fair in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on October 8 and 9.  It will be nice chance to know more about IUJ.  Please visit our booth!

Study-in-Japan Fair in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Date: Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9, 2016
Time: 10:00 – 16:00
Venue: Mongolia-Japan Center for Human Resources Development

Application for Saturday, October 8
Application for Sunday, October 9


fair Mongolia