News & Announcements

‘Sakura’ 桜, IUJ Students’ Campus Magazine

IUJ students’ magazine ‘Sakura’ 桜, has been approved for launch on May 31, 2016. It will be managed and edited by students and will be published every term. The magazine will cover travelogues, opinions on the events of interest to IUJers, interviews, IUJ relevant news, book reviews etc. Additionally, it will showcase the talent of IUJers in story writing, poetry or any other form of creativity of letters or camera.It is planned to have a few articles about the natural sights, history and culture of the Minami Uonuma City.

The readership includes IUJ community, alumni and local people connected with IUJ.  Sakura will publish articles in English and Japanese; however, for Japanese articles, the English translations will also be published.


Currently, the editorial team invites articles for publication. The submissions should include title and the name of author of the article. Please send your articles by midnight, May 20, 2016 (Friday) to


Follow us on Facebook: IUJ Sakura Magazine (

email IDs:

IUJ-ULIS Hanoi Office 1st Symposium will be held on 21st May

The Symposium is based on Top Global University project by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (It’s called Super Global University Project in Japan). The aim of the symposium is a reinforcement network among alumni of International University of Japan and connecting between Japanese companies in Vietnam and alumni of International University of Japan.

Date and time: May 21st 2016, Saturday, 3:00p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Venue: SUNWAH Building, VNU-University of Languages and International Studies
Address: 144 Xuan Thuy Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi Vietnam
Language: English (No translation)
Participation fee: General Participant 400,000VND
Alumni of International University of Japan 200,000VND
Application: Please Contast Us  E-mail:

[Part 1] Symposium @ ULIS SUNWAH Hall 2nd Floor (15:00-16:40)

“The present circumstance and the future of the retail industry in Vietnam”
Tadahiko Ishikawa, Head of Hanoi Store Manager of AEON, Longbien Store (IUJ Alumni 2003, IM)

“Analyze of Vietnamese economics and prospects of 2016”
Naoki Takeuchi, Hanoi Representative Office, Director, Research Division, JETRO

“The potential impacts of AEC on Japanese companies in Vietnam” (17:00-19:00)
Nguyen Dang Tue, Lecturer, Department of Financial Management, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHBOLOGY (IUJ Alumni 2009, IR)

[Part 2] Reception @ ULIS SUNWAH Hall 1st Floor

IUJ, JETRO and NUT: MoU commemoration special lecture will be held on 24th May

International University of Japan (IUJ) are going to conclude Memorandum of Agreement between Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) the sake of support local companies for expanding abroad, the attraction of overseas enterprises to Niigata and Human resource training.

The Symposium is going to hold as commemoration of MoU with introducing support service of some organization for international development and cultivation international competitiveness.
In addition, CEO of hakkai inc., Akihiko Seki who is from Minami Uonuma City, alumnus of IUJand committee member of NUT management conference will make a special lecture how hakkai inc. expand overseas and effort in the future.

Date and time: May 24th, Tuesday, 2016 3:00p.m.-5:00p.m. (Reception 2:30p.m.-)
Venue: Taihei Meijo, Hakusan Kaikan (1-1, Ichibanbori doricho, Chuoku, Niigata city)
001505 Opening remarks
051525 “The current situation and perspectives of international business” (tentative title ) Hiroyuki Ishige, Chairman, JETRO
251545 “Global development building of NUT” Nobuhiko Azuma, President, NUT
451605 “Human resource training by industry-university cooperation ” Kimio Kase, President, IUJ
051640 “Case and issue of an advance into overseas of small and medium-sized companies” Akihiko Seki, CEO, hakkai inc.
401700 Question and answer session

Participant fee: Free
Capacity: 100 (Applications will be accepted in order of arrival.)
Application form:
JETRO Website:

Office of Top Global University Project
025-787-1489 FAX025-787-1460