News & Announcements

GSIM starts offering the Adam Innovations SAP Certification Course at IUJ

Representative at IUJ’s E-Lab explaining the key components of the course.

Representative at IUJ’s E-Lab explaining the key components of the course.

Starting from the winter term, 2016, Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) will become the first business school in Japan to offer a SAP Certificate Course.

This course is developed jointly by SAP Japan, IUJ-GSIM and Adam-i Co. Ltd. Tokyo-based consulting company Adam-i Co. Ltd. financially supports the course. It is mainly designed for E-Business Management (Short for E-Biz) students but it is also open for all GSIM students to enhance students’ functional knowledge as well as practical skill on business process integration by using SAP ERP system and its different modules related to Marketing, Accounting, Supply Chain Management and etc. The close association of SAP and Adam Innovations in developing this course will differentiate E-Biz Program from other competing ones in the world.

This is a self-study type course. The students are expected to dedicate study hours for SAP Learning Hub. Digest sessions will be provided by teaching assistant(s) supervised by Prof. Zaw Zaw Aung. The course duration is Feb-Jun 2016 (five months).

Although it is an extra-curricular course and students cannot earn any credits from this course, the students will be able to enhance their employability through the acquisition of skills that are usually to be obtained after their placements in professional firms. At the moment, maximum of 10 students are to be accepted to enroll in this course to pursue the certification of SAP at no extra charge.

The internal application was open for enrollment in January 2016 and ten students have been selected based on their academic performance and career match. The officials from SAP Japan office visited the campus to give orientation session on SAP Learning Hub system and the procedure to take certification exam to the students.

Commenting on this course, Professor Jay Rajasekera, IUJ Vice President and the Director of E-Biz Program, mentioned that SAP is a powerful software platform used all over the world by large to medium size companies, banks, etc. and “it’s a tremendous opportunity for our graduates to add this knowhow, without any extra cost.”

GSIM Dean Wenkai Li also is quite positive and thanked Adam Innovations for its contribution.

On Adam Innovations involvement in this course, the company’s Representative Director, Mr. Kaushal Wawulagala, mentioned that he is pleased to be able to connect SAP via his company’s support so that IUJ graduates has more opportunities to contribute to Japanese companies. With a new IT Park coming close to IUJ, he sees “this course is very timely.”

Adam-i Director, Mr. Kaushal said “SAP Certification is one of the most successful IT certifications in the recent past. It has given employment to millions of people across the globe. In Japan, SAP is not that popular compared to other countries. However, with intense global competition many Japanese companies need to standardize their IT systems to par with global standards and SAP is getting lot of attention among Japanese companies in the recent past. Therefore I believe Adam Innovations SAP Certification Course at IUJ has the potential to be the number one product based IT certification in Japan.”

The students enrolled in course are now learning business process integration on SAP ERP system using SAP learning hub and are preparing to take SAP certification exam in June 2015.


【Related Links】

Adam-i Course on SAP


Graduate School of International Management

E-Business Management Program

Courses in the GSIM of IUJ 2015/2016 academic year



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Professor Shinoda will be the keynote speaker at the International conference
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Title of the conference: Tracing the Contours of a Rapidly Changing East Asia: Issues and Perspectives
Date: March 10-11, 2016  ※Professor Shinoda’s keynote speech will be held on the 10th
Venue: the Bayleaf Intramuros Manila, Philippines

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IUJ Students Awarded by Mayor on a Stage Made of Snow

Winning team receiving certificate and awards from Hon. Mayor Iguchi of Minamiuonuma City.

Winning team receiving certificate and awards from Hon. Mayor Iguchi of Minamiuonuma City.


IUJ students were honored by the Hon. Mayor Iguchi of Minami Uonuma and the City’s Tourism Department for their outstanding contribution to our area on Saturday, February 6, 2016. About 30 students who took the “Foundation of Web Technologies” E-Biz class were invited to an awards ceremony held in conjunction with the 66th Snow Festival. They were recognized on a stage made of snow for their creation of promotional websites, with social media interactions, that showed off the many food attractions found in Minamiuonuma City area.

In the fall term 2015, in response to a request from Minamiuonuma City, the students of the “Foundation of Web Technologies” class, divided into 6 internationally diverse groups, created websites to promote the variety of foods available in the City.

At the awards ceremony, every participating student and their course professors were invited up on the snow stage. The MC asked IUJ Vice President and GSIM Professor Jay Rajasekera for his comments. Prof. Rajasekera first thanked the people of Minami Uonuma City, including Mr. Abe from the Tourism Department of the City, for introducing this project to IUJ, and said that students could learn not just technology, but also how to work with the community and learn a bit about Japanese culture and history as well. GSIM Finance Professor Ito who is involved with several projects with the city, including ICLOVE, also expressed his appreciation to the city. Professor Zaw Zaw Aung who co-taught the course was on a business trip and could not attend the ceremony.

Mr. Utsuda, Chairman of IUJ and former CEO of Mutsui & Co. was attending the event with a group from Mitsui & Co. and was invited to the stage by Hon. Mayor Iguchi. Mr. Utsuda, giving an impromptu speech, thanked the Hon. Mayor and the city for collaborating with IUJ for various community projects such as this Web Contest and also the Global IT Park Minamiuonuma that is supposed to open in the summer of 2016 in the neighborhood of IUJ in Urasa town.