News & Announcements

Japan Business Model Competition 2015 in Niigata was held

On Sunday, December 6, the Japan Business Model Competition 2015 in Niigata was held at MLIC 3F Hall.

This event was conducted by ICLOVE (International Collaboration for Local Organizations in Venture and Entrepreneurship) in collaboration with GSIM faculty members. Six IUJ student teams and two NUT(Nagaoka University of Technology) student teams participated, and there were 5 Judges, Mr. Soo, an Angel investor, Mr. Hiramatsu, CEO of Kozocom, Inc., Mr. Matsubara, Professor at Niigata University, Mr. Maruyama, Professor at Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, and Mr. Rajasekera, Vice President of IUJ. The event opened with welcoming remarks from President Kase. Each participant had a 10 minute presentation of the business plan and Q&A session.

After strict evaluations by the judges, the first prize went to Mr. Prabath Weerasinghe (Nagaoka University of Technology) for “An Automated & Intelligent Fleet Management System,” second prize went to Mr. Swagat Bannick (GSIM) for a ( Unleash the true Street Shopper in You) and third prize went to Ms.Ha Phung (GSIR) for “A chain of charity consignment shops”. The first-prize winner, Mr. Prabath Weerasinghe, will be invited to the Japan Business Model Competition 2015 in Tokyo which will be held on February 27 and 28, 2016. The first-prize winner also awarded the three-month free presentation training program offered by Global InstaBiz (CEO: Mr. Kozo Hiramatsu).

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the students and distinguished judges who participated in this event.


Details of JBMC (Japanese) :





Mr. Swagat Bannick (GSIM)



Mr. Prabath Weerasinghe (Nagaoka University of Technology)


IUJ Culti-fiesta 2015

IUJ Culti-fiesta was held on Saturday, November 28 at the IUJ Gymnasium Hall.

Culti-fiesta is a cultural program hosted by GSO-EC (The Graduate Student Organization Executive Committee) to promote camaraderie among IUJ students. There were performances from different group of countries where students can join in and learn more about other peoples’ cultures.

Below is the list of performances.
1. Music Club, 2. Laos, 3. Kazakhstan, 4. Central Asia, 5. Sri Lanka, 6. Mongolia, 7. Indonesia,8. Philippines, 9. Afghanistan, 10. India, 11. Africa12. Hakkaisan, 13. Vietnam, 14. Myanmar, 15. Cambodia, 16. Japan

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to GSO and all the students who participated in this event.




Performance by Indonesian students




Group photo after the event

Mr. Aung Thet Paing (Class of 2011 International Management – Myanmar) won ASEAN GREEN AWARD 2015.

Mr. Aung Thet Paing (Class of  2011  International Management – Myanmar) won ASEAN GREEN AWARD 2015. The Award Giving Ceremony and Gala Dinner was held on 30 Nov 2015 at Shangri-la Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.


Here is link

