News & Announcements

The first “Studium Genarale” seminar was held

The very first “Studium Genarale” seminar was successfully held in classroom 202 on November 25.

Studium Generale is a series of talks organized by International University of Japan (IUJ) involving its faculty, students and other like-minded people with a view to provide an academic forum for interacting and exchanging views on research and teaching relating to broad mission and vision of IUJ. Studium Generale through uniquely diverse community at IUJ comprising of faculty, students and staff from around the world could bring rich knowledge, experience, and oriental wisdom leading to human wellbeing.

There were around 25 students attended from both GSIM and GSIR at the first seminar. The audience actively asked questions after the seminars presented by Prof. Yusuke Jinnai of GSIR and Prof. Rahul Sett of GSIM.

We hope there will be more interaction between students and Faculty at the next seminar.



“Consumer Perception and Behavior in an Online Labor Market” by Prof. Yusuke Jinnai





“Impact of Inflexible Microcredit Contracts on the Impoverished” by Prof. Rahul Sett

IUJ Opens New Office in Hanoi

The International University of Japan (IUJ) has opened the IUJ-ULIS Cooperative Office in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on November 7th. This is the school’s first overseas office. We will be working to establish a relationship with universities, research organizations, etc. in Vietnam and strengthen or collaboration to help make our society more global while promoting our public relations.

In September 2014, our school’s concept of “IUJ Evolution – Establishing a New Global Standard form Asia” was selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Top Global University Project. This new office was opened with this concept in mind.

The University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS) is a member of the largest group of national universities in Vietnam and the school possesses one of the top Japanese language departments. Previously, ULIS had collaborated with our school’s Center for Language Education and Research on Japanese language education.

A tape cutting ceremony was held in front of the new Cooperative Office at ULIS campus and around 120 people attended the ceremony afterward, including Minister Jun Yanagi, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Japan in Vietnam, and people from various government organizations, Japanese companies, etc.

In the future, the new Cooperative Office is planned to not only offer education in the Japanese language, but also training on Japanese business practices to those working at Japanese companies in Vietnam.



Tape cutting conducted by Chairman Shoei Utsuda (left of center) and ULIS President Nguyen Hoa (right of center)


Congratulatory speech by Minister Jun Yanagi, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Japan in Vietnam


Many students who completed the course participated in the celebration

IUJ-ULIS Cooperative Office
Address: P104,Tang 1, Nha A4, DHNN, So 1 Pham Van Dong, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Phone: +84-4-6680-3462

<Inquiries regarding this event>
Office of Top Global University Project

IUJ ranked 9th in the number of successful Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research projects in economic theory for past five years

IUJ has been ranked ninth in terms of the number of the successful Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research projects in the field of economic theory during the past five years.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research are competitive funds that are intended to significantly develop all scientific research from basic to applied research in all fields, ranging from the humanities and the social sciences to the natural sciences. The grants provide financial support for creative and pioneering research projects that will become the foundation of social development. The research projects are selected using a peer-review screening process. All Japanese universities have encouraged their faculty members to apply to the research grants, since research achievement is one of the important factors to determine the university’s reputation. The result of the ranking proves that GSIR faculty members have been active in conducting academic research in this field.

Please visit the following website to see the results of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research in fiscal year 2014 (only Japanese/P.63).