News & Announcements

“New Students Welcome Day 2015“

On Friday, October 2, 2015, IUJ’s “New Student Welcome Day” was held, and the arrival of 220 incoming students from 47 countries and regions was celebrated by special guests and IUJ’s faculty and staff. This is the biggest incoming class since 1982 when IUJ was founded. Now the IUJ campus has 375 students. The breakdown of the 220 students is 114 for the Graduate School of International Relations and 106 for the Graduate School of International Management.

In his opening remarks, President Kimio Kase celebrated the fact that new students have now become members of the IUJ community. He stated that the students need to cultivate a global mindset to meet the requirements of today’s world. He also expressed his gratitude for all the sponsors, and asked that the families and others in attendance today meet our efforts with their continued support and assistance for the university.

Chairman Shoei Utsuda then praised the students for making the choice to join IUJ. He assured new students that they will have wonderful opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills, and gain wisdom to see the world’s diversity with understanding and empathy. “In your IUJ life, you will have a variety of friends from 47 countries. You will have real international and cross-cultural friendships. You will treasure these for your entire life. Respect each other, act with honesty and integrity, and have fun along the way”.

Then the new students were introduced. When their names were called by nationality, they stood up to be recognized. They gave each other a very warm welcome.

The New Student Welcome Day concluded after a reception joined by the 2nd year students, faculty, staff, and guests.

To everyone in the new incoming class, all of us at IUJ wish you an enjoyable and fruitful IUJ life.


President  Kimio Kase


Chairman Shoei Utsuda


Introduction of New Students



Change in IUJ Leadership

Dr. Kimio Kase, IUJ’s Vice President, assumes the position of IUJ President as of October 1, 2015. He succeeds Dr. Shinichi Kitaoka, who has served as President of the University since October 2012.

Dr. Kimio Kase was born in 1949 in Chiba prefecture, Japan. He specializes in Strategic Management, focusing on Corporate-level Strategy. He received his BA (Foreign Studies) from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1972, MBA from IESE Business School in 1984, and Doctor of Business Administration from Manchester University in 1996. He worked for Price Waterhouse European Firm (Consultancy Division); Spencer Stuart Spain; and Inter-American Development Bank (Evaluation Office). He taught and conducted research at ESADE Business School (1997-2001); La Universidad Católica Boliviana MpD (2001); International University of Japan (2002-2003); and the University of Navarra’s IESE Business School (2002-2013). Dr. Kase served as the Dean of IUJ’s Graduate School of International Management, since 2013, and also as IUJ’s Vice President since 2014.

His publications include:

欧州のMBA教授が見た好業績CEOの意思決定~戦略判断2つの型~(高垣行男監訳..東京:中央経済社 、
Gómez S, Kase K, Urrutia I. 2010. Value Creation and Sport Management. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge、
Kase K, Saez F, Riquelme H. 2005. Transformational CEOs:Leadership and Management Success in Japan. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK、
Kase K, Jacopin T.2007. CEOs as Leaders and Strategy Designers: Explaining the Success of Spanish Banks. Palgrave Mcmillan: Hampshire, UK、
Kase, K.,Slocum, A., and Zhang, Y.(2011). Asian versus Western Management Thinking: Its Culture-Bound Nature. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan、
Kase, K., G. Canton, C., and Nonaka, I.(2014). Phronesis and Quiddity in Management: A School of Knowledge Approach. Hampshire UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Von Krogh, G., Takeuchi, H., Kase, K., and G. Cantón, C. (Eds.). (2013). Towards Organizational Knowledge: the Pioneering Work of Ikujiro Nonaka. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
ロバート・M・グラント. (2008). 現代戦略分析 (加瀬公夫, Trans.). 東京: 中央経済社

IUJ welcomes Dr. Kase to this post.

In the past three years, the former President Kitaoka has made great contributions to the development of IUJ through his excellent leadership. In recent years, as a result of his contributions, IUJ concluded an agreement on an incorporated alliance partnership with Meiji University in 2013, and was selected for the Top Global University Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2014.

Center for Language Education and Research releases Japanese education video clips

We are pleased to announce that Japanese education video clips 【Lesson for Useful Expression in Japanese #1-10】have been made by Japanese Language Program of the Center for Language Education and Research.

The video clips are for those who just started learning Japanese in foreign countries.

We have released the video clips at TubeIUJ in YouTube, and you can also watch the video clips on IUJ web site.

【English site】
【Japanese site】

<Story of the video clips>
The heroine, named Nguyen, lives in a foreign country. When she is checking out the information about Japan, she is interested in Minamiuonuma city, Niigata prefecture.
After that, she come to Japan and visits some places in Minamiuonuma city and around that area. She meets some local people, and studies Japanese language and culture, which she need to live in Japan.

We made the video clips as a part of Top Global University Project. So, we would like to spread the video clips throughout the world.

We would appreciate it if you could share the video clips with your friends who are interested in Japanese language on Facebook, twitter, and so on.

We hope the video clips will be a good tool for you to study basic Japanese language and culture.


Office of Top Global University Project