News & Announcements

IUJ’s GSIM formed International Board of Advisors

GSIM’s mission emphasizes the education of socially responsible and phronetic business leaders who create value for the society. International and multicultural work environment is supposed to be their natural milieu.

In order to benefit from the wisdom of world-class leaders, both from the academia and from the business world, IUJ’s GSIM has asked prominent professionals to join our International Board of Advisers (IBA).

The roles played by the board are as follows:

  1. Advise GSIM on academic-related issues.
  2. Bring to GSIM’s attention the regionally important business and social standards.
  3. Advise on GSIM’s management orientation.
  4. Attend board meetings if called.

List of GSIM’s International Board of Advisers

(as of 8th July 2015)
Following board members kindly accepted our request.

  • Paul Danos (Dean of Tuck School of Business)
  • Donald Kanak (Chairman of Prudential Asia Corp)
  • Takeshi Niinami (CEO, President, Member of the Board, Representative Director of Suntory Holdings)
  • Pedro Nueno (President of CEIBS)
  • Vance Roley (Dean of Hawaii University)
  • Jeffrey Sachs (Professor at Columbia University)
  • Muhammad Yunus (Founder of Grameen Bank)

(Names in alphabetical order)

Professor Noboru Yamaguchi appeared on TV “Sunday debate”

Professor Noboru Yamaguchi (Research Institute) appeared on TV on July 12th 2015.

Date: 12th July 2015 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

Program: NHK (General) “Sunday debate”

Topic: Security (legislation)


▼ Professor Noboru Yamaguchi


IUJ Graduation Ceremony was held

IUJ’s Graduation Ceremony for 2015 was held on June 26. 142 students from 25 countries graduated in good standing.

In the congratulatory address, President Shinichi Kitaoka praised graduates for having chosen IUJ in Japan. He said that “I’m confident that you made the right decision to come to IUJ. I hope and am convinced that you will work for your company or organization, for your nation and for the world. We will try to establish a position in Asia and definitely need your continued support as alumni”.

IUJers then welcomed to the podium the special guest speaker, Mr. Kouichirou Matsuura, the Eighth Director General of UNESCO. He said that “There are still a number of countries which have troubles with politics, economics and culture in the world. I hope that you will take advantage of your experience at IUJ and contribute to build a peaceful world”.

The IR valedictorian, Arandarage Mayura Prasad Arandara from Sri Lanka emphasized that“These two years were full of events with wonderful experiences and sweet memories through cross-cultural interactions such as Culti-Fiesta, Open Day, IUJ Olympics, Snow festivals, Skiing and Cherry blossom etc. These multicultural interactions have helped us to avoid a single story. ”

The IM valedictorian, Mitsuaki Ito from Japan, said that “Generally speaking, due to limited availability and expensiveness of real estate, the metropolitan universities would separate the university campuses and the dormitories. Therefore, it is difficult to continue discussion and group work all through the night, as we could here in IUJ. In a good way, IUJ’s isolated environment let us study hard and made our relationship strong” .

142 students, 102 from the Graduate School of International Relations and 40 from the Graduate School of International Management, received Master’s degrees. IUJ now has 3,779 graduates from all over the globe.

Congratulations, Class of 2015!