News & Announcements

“The 4th HR Network Conference” was held

On Friday, June 12, 2015, the “4th HR Network Conference”  was held at the IUJ campus. The event received 17 HR managers from 17 top-tier corporations as respected guests. This Conference aimed to promote the globalization of human resources, as well as to exchange views, ideas and concerns among company guests from different industries among the Global Partnership companies.

The Conference opened with welcoming remarks entitled“Present Situation of Higher Education in Japan and IUJ” from President Shinichi Kitaoka . He emphasized that IUJ has to keep accepting highly qualified students and offering high quality of education to establish a position in Asia not only for IUJ but other Japanese universities, too .

After his remarks, Mr. Matsui of Kao Corporation, and Mr. Sumida of Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd., made a presentation of their practice regarding“Recruitment of Non-Japanese and Retention”.

The participants were divided into groups of 5 or 6 people and had a group discussion based on their current situation of “Recruiting non-Japanese and retention” to learn their practice and to exchange ideas and thoughts among participants moderated by Prof. Shinichi Hirose, Graduate School of International Management.

A reception was held after the Conference. The participants had an interaction and friendly conversations with IUJ students over drinks and a buffet dinner. All of us at IUJ would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the guests who participated in the 4th “HR Network Conference.”





IUJ will be introduced on TV on June 17

Minamiuonuma-city visited IUJ on June 9 to talk about their plan for continuing care retirement community.
NHK recorded the meeting, IUJ campus and dormitory, etc. The schedule of broadcast is as follows,

Program: “Ohayo-Nippon”
Date: Wednesday, June 17
Time: 5 min. between 7:45am – 8:00am
Channel: 1 NHK



IUJ awarded the special cheering prize of the Minami Uonuma Gourmet marathon

The Minami Uonuma Gourmet Marathon was held in Minami Uonuma City on June 14th.
IUJ was the 7th water station of the marathon, and many members of the IUJ community came out to cheer the runners,
who included IUJ’s own Vice President Shinoda Tomohito , Assistant Professor Jinnai Yuusuke, and several university staff.
One of the IUJ staff was interviewed by FM Yukiguni, and the interview was broadcasted.

IUJ won a special prize for cheering, which Secretary General Ohno Tomokazu and many IUJ students received at Yairo no Mori Park

the details of the Minami Uonuma Gourmet Marathon can be found on the following website:

P1000389   P1000415