News & Announcements

International University of Japan names Takeo Kikkawa 13th President

Dr. Takeo Kikkawa became the 13th president of International University of Japan on September 1, 2023. He will replace Dr. Hiroyuki Itami who step down from his position on August 31, 2023.

Dr. Takeo Kikkawa Profile:

Present Position:
Professor Emeritus of University of Tokyo
Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University
Outside Director, Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd., 2017-

Graduated from University of Tokyo (Department of Economics, Economics Course) March 1975
Graduated from University of Tokyo (Department of Economics, Business Administration Course) March 1977
Finished Doctoral Course of Graduate School of University of Tokyo on Economics March 1983

Doctor of Economics (University of Tokyo) September 1996

Teaching Experience:
Full-time Lecturer of Department of Business Administration, Aoyama Gakuin University
April 1983-March 1987
Associate Professor of Department of Business Administration, Aoyama Gakuin University
April 1987-September 1993
(September 1987- August 1988: Visiting Scholar of Harvard Business School)
Associate Professor of Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
October 1993-March 1995
Professor, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
April 1996-March 2007
(May-June 1996: Guest Professor of St. Gallen University)
(June 1998-December 2004: Guest Professor of Yonsei University)
(October 1998-March 1999: Guest Professor of Berlin Free University)
Professor, Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University
April 2007-March 2015
Professor of Management, Graduate School of Innovation Studies, Tokyo University of Science
April 2015-March 2020
Professor, Graduate School of International Management, International University of Japan
April 2020-Present

Major Publications
In English

Policies for Competitiveness: Comparing Business-Government Relationships in the ‘Golden Age of Capitalism’, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK and New York, USA, June 1999, xⅱ+344, Coedited with Hideaki Miyajima, and Takashi Hikino.

Ethical Capitalism: Shibusawa Eiichi and Business Leadership in Global Perspective, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, Buffalo, USA, and London, UK, March 2017, xvi+215, Coedited with Patrick Fridenson.

History of Innovative Entrepreneurs in Japan, Springer, Singapore, March 2023, xiii+291.

People Centric Innovation Ecosysstem: Japanese Management and Prctices, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, Newyork USA, Melbourne, Ausyraria, New Delhi, India, and Singapore, June 2023, 90. Cowritten with YingYing Zhang-Zhang.

In Japanese
Books (2010- ):

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Essence of Failure, Toyo Keizai Shinpoh Sha, 2011

Electric Power Reform, Kodansha 2012

Energy Problems in Japan, NTT Publishing, 2013

History of Innovative Entrepreneurs in Japan, Yuhikaku, 2019

Energy Shift, Hakuto-Shobo, 2020

Power Industry in Japan after the Disaster, The University of Nagoya Press, 2021

More about President Takeo Kikkawa:

President Takeo Kikkawa’s message is available at:

The joint research article “Does Collaboration Matter: The Effect of University-industry R&D Collaboration On Economic Growth” by Prof. Nawalage S. Cooray and Tamir Togoontumur MBA ’21 was published on “Journal of the Knowledge Economy”

IUJ Symposium Event News “Changing the World from Minamiuonuma - Creating Global Business through Thoughts, Wisdom, and Connections -” /August 26, 2023

The International University of Japan, with the support of Minamiuonuma, will hold a symposium entitled “Changing the World from Minamiuonuma - Creating Global Business through Thoughts, Wisdom, and Connections -” as a part of the Top Global University Project.

〇 Date:SAT., AUGUST. 26, 2023  /2:00PM~5:30PM (JST)

〇 Venue:Main Hall, Minamiuonuma Civic Hall

〇 Participants:  both online and at the venue /Live Streaming available / English Simultaneous Interpretation available

〇Outline of the Symposium

The society in which we live is faced with global issues, such as global warming, resource scarcity, and poverty, but also regional issues, including a lack of workers to take over local industries, a decline in employment opportunities, and an exodus of local populations.

Against this backdrop, attention is being paid to ways for businesses to build a better society by bringing together diverse community leaders to share their wisdom and work together to overcome problems. Our thoughts and ideas have the potential to inspire change in the world.

At this symposium – based on the keywords “entrepreneurship,” “business creation,” “regional revitalization” and “globalization” – we will talk with people offering perspectives from industry, government, academia and finance about how to realize richer and more attractive town-planning for the future, and the possibilities for global development.

≪For IUJ Students≫
Onsite: We will provide the bus/taxi for IUJ students.
≪For outside of IUJ≫
Join Online: via Zoom Webinar
Thank you for your attention.
SGU/Regional Cooperation Office