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International Symposium on Digital Garden Cities and Green Transformation: How are rural communities driving Japan forward?, January 20th 2023

International Symposium on Digital Garden Cities and Green Transformation:
How are rural communities driving Japan forward?

○ Date/Time: Friday, January 20, 2023 15:00 – 17:00 JST

○ Format: Online and in person

○ Venue: the International University of Japan, Niigata Pref.

○ Language: English

○ Co-host: International University of Japan, the Japan Cabinet Office

○ Short description
Prime Minister Kishida of Japan laid out his “Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation” and Japan’s “Green Transformation”—also known as “GX”—as key policy agendas. The country’s rural communities are now on the forefront of both digital transformation and the new green revolution. But will Japan’s local communities be able to succeed in building digitally friendly, green cities for the future? To help us answer these questions, we are joined by a panel of globally-minded experts to look at the implications of these policies for both Japan’s rural communities as well as the national and global economy as a whole.

○ Programme
・Opening remarks
・Guest remarks (video messages)
 Mr. Hideyo Hanazumi, Governor of Niigata Prefecture
 Mr. Shigeo Hayashi, Mayor of Minamiuonuma City
・Panel Discussion
 Dr. Tomohito Shinoda, Professor at the International University of Japan
 Dr. Ayako Kameda, General Manager, Shell Energy Japan / President, Nagaoka Power Generation Ltd.
 Mr. Walter Sim, Japan Correspondent, The Straits Times (Singapore)
 Mr. Michihiko Kurokawa, Partner at McKinsey & Company, Leader of McKinsey Digital, and McKinsey Technology in Japan
 Mr. Yasumasa Yamamoto, Startup Investor, Specially Appointed Associate Professor at the Kyoto University Graduate School
 Dr. Mihoko Sakurai, Executive Research Fellow / Associate Professor at the Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM), International University of Japan
・Q&A session
・Closing remarks

○ How to join
All interested persons can join via online without registration
*Click the URL:
*Scan the QR code:
*Archive videos will be published after the symposium
*Registration is required for in-person attendance only.
Registration >>

President’s Office
International University of Japan