News & Announcements

Japan Business Model Competition – NIIGATA round

The Japan Business Model Competition (JBMC) NIIGATA round was held on Saturday, January 22nd 2022. This competition was hosted by Venturing Lab, Niigata Venture Capital Co., Ltd. and Broadcasting System of Niigata Inc. (BSN), and supported by KDDI CORPORATION.

One presented by IUJ students, Gergely Kaszas and Passana Kongklieng with its project titled “Pura Mushi Recycling” won the Niigata Venture Capital Prize.

The winning teams will join the final competition for JBMC in March 2022, which will allow its winner to join the Asia Business Model Competition (ABMC) to be held in August 2022 in Singapore.

Let’s extend our warmest congratulations for their achievement and wish them good luck at the next stage of competition.

President Office