News & Announcements

The deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and IUJ’s response

The deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and IUJ’s response
Hiroyuki Itami, President

In the wake of the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, IUJ, along with other universities in Japan,
have received pleas from many alumni for support in securing their safety and in helping them
to evacuate from Afghanistan.

In response to this, IUJ has been lobbying the political leaders,
and government and semi-government body officials to help the alumni secure evacuation
out of Afghanistan through GoJ action.

To our great regret, however, we have received no positive response as of yet,
and we are not clear as to what can be done and when, and under what conditions.

The situation in Afghanistan seems increasingly worrisome, particularly
after the terrorist attack that recently took place near Kabul Airport.

We will therefore keep pushing the right channels in cooperation with other universities
to support our alumni in getting out of this crisis.

Associate Professor Kyohei Yamada published a new book

Associate Professor Kyohei Yamada published a new book.


Sonja Ganseforth and Hanno Jentzsch


Kyohei Yamada