News & Announcements

IUJ’s 2021 Graduation Ceremony

On Saturday June 26th, the IUJ Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony was held at the Minamiuonuma City Hall.

This year, in consideration of the spread of the new coronavirus infection, graduates, a guest and faculty members all wore masks and observed safe distancing guidelines.


Introductory remarks from IUJ President Hiroyuki Itami
IUJ President Hiroyuki Itami started the ceremony by congratulating the Class of 2021 on their outstanding academic achievements. He mentioned that not only is IUJ truly a spot where the world gathers, but a place with beautiful natural surroundings where students can draw energy from. He also mentioned that this is not only a day that marks the end of the graduates’ long academic journey at IUJ, but a day when we can celebrate the end of a very stressful spring term without anyone being infected by COVID-19 on our campus. President Itami shared his hopes that IUJ is a place our graduating students will want to revisit, both in person and through fond memories of their time here. Full speech can be found here.

Congratulatory address by Executive Advisor of Nippon Life Insurance Company, Daikichi Momma
The audience was then addressed by Daikichi Momma, Executive Advisor of the Nippon Life Insurance Company. He spoke about his professional career on a negotiator. He emphasized the solutions for the unprecedented problems must be unprecedented which is made by your flexible thinking and strategy.

After the deans of the school spoke to the audience about education matters at IUJ, it was time for degree certificates to be handed out. There were one PhD student and 93 Master’s students graduating from the Graduate School of International Relations, and 34 Master’s students graduating from the Graduate School of International Management. Each student was individually called to the stage to accept their diplomas, and once they were all presented the requisite cap toss took place!

Graduate School of International Relations Valedictorian: Akhmadalieva, Zarnigor Khikmatillo Kizi
Zarnigor spoke to her fellow graduates about her time at IUJ and mentioned unprecedented pandemics at the first year and online classes. She noted that despite the pandemic, they were still able to continue their studies under more difficult conditions this past academic year than probably at any other time in the history of IUJ. She also noted that IUJ has made this chapter of their life very colorful and unique. Zarnigor finished by saying “Be proud, celebrate what you have accomplished, and look forward with an eye toward how you, too, can be the inspiration for others.” Full speech can be found here.

International Management Valedictorian: Bhatta, Ram Datta
Ram mentioned that IUJ have nurtured his abilities to think critically and rigorously. He also mentioned that IUJ has taught him sincere working culture, time management, etiquettes, and humanity in addition to academic affairs. The cross-cultural environment with students of +50 different countries, cross-registration system, English and Japanese language classes made his academic horizon widened. He feels that IUJ has endowed him a greater sense of responsibility. He strongly believes that this global village will provide them an opportunity for continued interaction in future as well as. Full speech can be found here.

The annual tree unveiling ceremony
After the ceremony proceedings, students regathered at IUJ for the annual tree unveiling ceremony. Each year, two new trees are planted the campus Alumni Forest – one representing the Graduate School of International Management, and one representing the Graduate School of International Relations. The trees, growing strong and tall, are a metaphor for what we wish for our graduating students in the next chapter of their journeys.

We once again congratulate our Class of 2021, not only for their academic achievements but for enriching our university. We thank everyone who supported them throughout their time here in Japan, came out to celebrate at the ceremony or tuned in to watch the live-stream of the event. We have no doubt that this year’s graduating class will go on to do great things, and we’re fortunate to have been part of their stories.

Full ceremony video can be watched on our youtube channel @TubeIUJ.

Public Relations
Office of Admissions and Career Support

IUJ’s Graduation Ceremony, June 26th

IUJ’s Graduation Ceremony is taking place on Saturday, June 26.
Please join the live-streaming and cerebrate the class of 2021.

Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021

-Conferment of Master’s Degree Certificate (10:30-12:35) ▸▸Live streaming!

-Class Tree Unveiling by Graduates

Office of General Affairs