News & Announcements

Basic Policy on IUJ students from Myanmar

March 18, 2021

At the International University of Japan (IUJ), we have been watching the developments in Myanmar very closely. We have also received many comments both on social media and in writing from various sources.

Today, I would like to share our policy about some of the points involved in this situation.

Needless to say, we condemn any attempt of a military coup against a democratically elected government.

We also deplore the current violence in Myanmar against protesters resulting in multiple casualties among civilians. We sincerely hope for a speedy and peaceful restoration of normal and democratic life for the people of Myanmar.

IUJ is a graduate school with the primary mission of educating capable young men and women from all backgrounds and experience to become global leaders. We aim to develop in them a high level of knowledge and skills, including those to nurture values of democracy, human rights, diversity and inclusion, which are all important for compassionate leadership.

With our mission in mind, we wish to confirm the following two basic stances in dealing with the issues concerning Myanmar military-related students at IUJ.

  1. To all students and potential applicants of IUJ, whether from Myanmar or from elsewhere, we do not discriminate against anyone because of their personal background. We want to protect our students as long as they work hard academically, abide by ethical standards, and behave within the laws of Japan.
  2. Concerning Myanmar students at IUJ, now or in the past, who belong to Myanmar military, we believe that educating them at IUJ on the nature of democratic societies around the world, the working of public organizations and market economies can contribute significantly to the future development of Myanmar. Nurturing values of and respect for democracy and human rights through education is of particular importance.


Not only for Myanmar students, but also for all of our students from various countries, we are hopeful that their time at IUJ helps to open their minds and develop leadership skills to contribute to the betterment of their country and their neighboring countries. We trust all of our alumni to uphold these ideals.

In this regard, we would again like to express how proud we are of our alumnus, U Kyaw Moe Tun (MBA Class of 2004), who gave a very courageous speech on February 26, 2021, at the UN General Assembly in his capacity as Ambassador to the UN from Myanmar. It was a very extraordinary speech about the value of democracy and human rights on such an occasion and under the current special circumstances in Myanmar.


Hiroyuki Itami


International University of Japan