News & Announcements

SA FM Life Happens (December 15)/ Our student Tebello Agnes Mohale had an interview

SA FM Life Happens (December 15)/
Our first-year student Tebello Agnes Mohale had a live interview with SA FM “Life Happen” last night. The interview is including what she studies at IUJ.

You can listen to her full interview at

IUJ was Selected for the Japanese Government Scholarship Student Priority Placement Program

The International University of Japan was selected by the Ministry of Education, Japan (MEXT) as a special priority program for the Japanese Government scholarship students.

Under this program, the government selects several graduate programs geared toward international students. These programs, with strong international appeal are given priority in the placement of the government scholarship students.

At IUJ, the Graduate School of International Relations’ master’s course, which is an “International Relations Program (IRP) fostering develop human resources who can contribute to solving global problems” was selected. IUJ will allocate these scholarships to competitive IRP applicants.


The Application Deadline to be considered for this scholarship is Monday February 15th 2021.


Here is the link to our Admissions at

The Ministry of Education, Japan (MEXT) website:


Office of Admissions and Career Support
+81 25-779-1104

New Scholarship “JERA Asia Scholarship” Supports Your Study at IUJ

JERA Co., Inc. (JERA) has established the “JERA Asia Scholarship” a scholarship program for international students from Asian countries and financially support your study at the International University of Japan (IUJ).


JERA is the largest power generation company in Japan, producing one third of Japan’s electricity. This scholarship aims to support development of human resources who will contribute to the future economic development of Asian countries by financially supporting international students studying in Japan.


Toshihiro Sano, Chairman of JERA said, “We have contributed to the economic development of Asian countries through our participation in energy and infrastructure business. We hope that newly established JERA Asia Scholarship will help students who will play a key role in the economic development of the countries in the future.”


Under the JERA Asia Scholarship, JERA will provide scholarships to students who study at IUJ from Asian countries through a sponsored scholarship program at IUJ.


Outline of the JERA Asia Scholarship Applications

Scholarship name JERA Asia Scholarship
Application period From 3 December 2020 to 25 March 2021
Qualification Privately funded international students from Asian countries who enter IUJ in 2021.

Two-year Programs*: Intermational Relations Program, International Development Program, Public Management and Policy Analysis Program, Japan-Global Development Program
*Intensive MBA Program and Digital Transformation Program are not included.

Selection Selection by document and interview
Benefit amount Total JPY 8 million per person includes
Admission fee (full amount): JPY 300,000
Tuition (full amount): JPY 4.4 million (JPY 2.2 million x 2 years)
Stipend: JPY 3.3 million (JPY 150,000 x 22months)
Number of recipients Up to 5 students
Benefit period 2 years from enrollment to completion

For more details, please refer to 2021 IUJ Scholarship Guidelines.

To be considered for this scholarship, you need to pass the admission screening first. Successful qualified applicants suitable for this scholarship are nominated. Please complete your online application by March 25 through the link below.


JERA Co., Inc.
Head Office:
Nihonbashi Takashimaya Mitsui Building 25th Floor 2-5-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Business Details:
Thermal Power Generation Business, Renewable Energy Business, Gas & LNG Business, Engineering & Consulting related to the above businesses, etc.
Please refer to their website for further information about JERA

Office of Admissions and Career Support
+81 25 779 1104