News & Announcements

South China Morning Post (October 22th)/ Prof. Shinoda was quoted in the article titled “Will South Korea and Japan reconcile after PM’s visit for emperor’s enthronement?”

South China Morning Post (October 22th)/
Prof. Shinoda was quoted in the article titled “Will South Korea and Japan reconcile after PM’s visit for emperor’s enthronement?”

The article can be read in full at

The 1st International Business Conference was held at the Vietnam – Japan Institute for Human Resources Development

This April, a joint office for the International University of Japan (hereinafter IUJ) and Vietnam – Japan Institute for Human Resources Development (hereinafter VJCC) opened on the 2nd floor of the VJCC at the Foreign Trade University (hereinafter FTU) in Hanoi, Vietnam. As a joint project between IUJ and VJCC, on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, at 9:00 am, on the 3rd floor of the VJCC, the 1st International Business Conference was held on the theme of “Enhancing Business Development between Vietnam and Japan”, and keynote speeches, including one by President Hiroyuki Itami, were presented.

Before the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan, president of FTU, offered opening remarks.

Following the greeting from the president of FTU, president Itami introduced IUJ and gave a keynote speech titled “Japanese-Style Management in Heisei and its Implications for Vietnam” based on his book “Heisei no Keiei”. He explained the consideration of Japanese style management in the Heisei period, particularly the importance of the concept of “Peoplism”, to Vietnamese managers.

Next, there were speeches by Dr. Vu Viet Ngoan, former Chief of Advisory Committee to Vietnam’s Prime Minister, and Kazunori Yamaguchi, Dean, Graduate school of Business, Rikkyo University, ending the morning session.

In the afternoon of the same day, in the 3rd floor VJCC conference room, three parallel sessions were held: ① Productivity and Global Value Chain Management, ② Cross Culture and Human Resources Management, and ③ Customer Participation into Product and Service Improvement & Vietnam-Japan Business Enhancement. Prof. Zhang Zhang participated in the session ③ and gave a presentation, titled “Innovation in Emerging Markets: Learning to enhance capability”.

This International conference ended successfully with the participation of many Vietnamese managers, university officials, faculty members and FTU students. IUJ will continue to work with VJCC to contribute to the development of the Vietnamese economy with the aim of spreading the importance of Japanese-style management and promoting the new program (Japan-Global Development program (JGDP)).

President’s Office

JICA President Shinichi Kitaoka delivers first guest lecture for IUJ’s Japan-Global Development Program

On October 4th, Shinichi Kitaoka presented a special lecture on “Japan’s modernization and Fukuzawa Yukichi” at the MLIC Hall. Kitaoka is the current president of JICA, and a former professor and president of IUJ. The lecture was part of the Japan-Global Development Program operated jointly by IUJ and JICA, but was open to any interested students.

The lecture gave an overview of Japan’s modernization after the Meiji Restoration, from the perspective of political and diplomatic history. Kitaoka described the transition from the feudal systems of the Edo period (1603-1868) to the modern political institutions and industrial state of the Meiji era. He highlighted the influence of renowned Japanese scholar and statesman Fukuzawa Yukichi during this era of modernization. Kitaoka offered insight into both the positive and negative aspects of industrialization that served as the foundation of the future Japanese empire. The lecture led to a lively question and answer session.

President Kitaoka’s meaningful presentation kicked off the Japan-Global Development Program’s guest lecture series while strengthening the bonds between JICA and IUJ.